Why should we address company culture in recruitment?

 A company has two types of personnel: employers and professionals. It is up to both of them to develop a transparent workplace culture, develop a clear set of values, and review policies as the company grows. At the same time, senior managers are widely perceived to play an increasingly important role in shaping company culture and developing policies. If we talk about the recruitment process, clear communication of your company culture to applicants should be part of your recruitment process, along with the high cost of employee turnover. It is the responsibility of the Employment Agency in Malaysia to understand the organization's culture and its aims and then find people who are compatible with that culture and share those values. If you do not address your company's culture in the hiring process, you may hire someone who isn't a good fit.

It is not enough for employers to recruit professionals similar to their current personnel to find a good cultural fit. When searching for new candidates, consider hiring individuals who share the business' values rather than sacrificing diversity. Here are some benefits of a good culture fit:

Greater job satisfaction: 

                                            A happy, healthy workplace influences employee engagement and job satisfaction. It is imperative that your hiring strategy considers culture fit.

Improved job performance: 

                                                    A good culture promotes a happy and healthy work environment, which leads to enhanced performance.

Less likely to leave: 

                                    A strong company culture attracts new talent as well as keeps existing talent engaged and working with you rather than going to the competition.

Increased respect: 

                                    Many best employees come with top salaries and benefits but retaining them requires far more than that. It is more likely that loyal employees, who feel part of the company, will help achieve company goals. Consequently, the company greatly respects them.
